More technology. Today we got to play around with webquests. The class was divided in to groups to work our webquests. Although I was experience in creating webquests I still wanted to play by the rules. When doing group work I think it is very important to get input from every single group member. So came up with a geography webquest that incorporates gps, blogging, and photography. We still have more work to do but we are off to a good start. After lunch, we explored other technology tools such as and I an really excited about using padlet in the classroom. I can using things that I never heard of and I like it. However, my brain is hurting from all the ideas bouncing around in my head. It like we are starting projects every hour and not finishing them. Now I am starting to see the real benefits of art at the end of the day. I get to give my eyes a break from computer and I get to focus things other than how can I use this in my class or will these be better f...